The West Indies in the pioneering times of colonization
Philippe HRODĚJ
Philippe Hroděj is a lecturer in modern history at the University of Bretagne-Sud-Lorient, and a member of the Research Center
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From the time of the engaged to the time of the slaves: Bertrand d'Ogeron (1613-1676) and colonization of Saint-Domingue
Jacques DUCOIN
Jacques Ducoin has a doctorate in history from the university de Paris IV. He defended his thesis in 1987 under the direction of Jean Meyer. His research focuses
on maritime and colonial history.
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The peoples of the Loire and the Caribbean eldorado: Ligerian workers for the American islands in the 17th century
Marion Tanguy has a doctorate in history from l'université de Nantes and is a member of Center de Recherches en Histoire Internationale and_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf3958d_Atlantique_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bb580 -136bad5cf58d_
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The Loire “sweet” river: car by water of une exotic commodity and relations between the river basin, Nantes and the West Indies in the 17th and 18th centuries
Emmanuel BROUARD and Florent GODELAINE
Emmanuel Brouard is heritage assistant at the municipal library of Nantes
Florent Godelaine is heritage mediator at the Vendée departmental council.
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Products from the countries crossed by the Loire in the Nantaise slave cargoes in the 18th century: an approach based on the archives of shipowners_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-586badet de la Chamber of Commerce
Aka Kouamé is a professor of modern history and scientific director of the history department of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University of Abidjan_cc781905-5cde-3193-6_bad5d(5c Ivory Coast). He first defended a postgraduate thesis at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne in 1983, under the supervision of_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5bcf-58d_badJean Devisse , on “The sugar trade in France 1763-1793
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Jean Peltier Dudoyer (1734-1803), from Gonnord to Isle de France
Retired from the merchant navy, Tugdual de Langlais is a descendant of Jean Peltier Dudoyer. For more than ten years he has been carrying out research on his ancestor.
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Orléans, sugar and Atlantic influences
Patrick Villiers is professor emeritus in modern and contemporary history at the University of the Côte d'Opale coast. Founder of the Center
of Research in Atlantic and Coastal History, he is a member of the French Society of maritime history of which he was vice-president.
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A new industry on the banks of the Loire: implantation and development of sugar refineries (late 17th-late 18th century)
Maud Villeret
Maud Villeret is an associate professor of history and a doctoral student at the University of Nantes, within the Center de Recherches en Histoire Internationale et_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3cf-586bad5 Atlantique. Her thesis, prepared under the supervision of Natacha Coquery, is entitled Le Goût de l'or blanc. Transformation and distribution of sugar in the valley.
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Grocers and trade in colonial products: the examples of Le Mans, Angers and Nantes in the 18th century
David Audibert is a professional genealogist, co-manager of the Genealogical Study Audibert-Ladurée, created in Mayenne in 2009. doctorate in history from the university of Maine.
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People of color in the Pays de la Loire at the modern era: origin, movement, integration
Erick NOEL
Érick Noël is a professor of modern history at l'université des Antilles. His research focuses on the study of the planter environment in the Antilles in
18th century, on Blacks in France at the modern era and on the islands in France.
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