Le Havre, slave port: from slavery to oblivion
Lecturer in Modern History at the University of Le Havre. Specialist in the history of Freemasonry, he is currently working
through the example of Le Havre on the evolution of maritime port companies in the 18th century and during the French Revolution.
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Saint-Malo: corsairs and slave traders
Graduated in Geography from the faculty of Lettres de Rennes. He was professor of History and Geography at Saint-Malo from 1963 to 1999. the direction of André LEspagnol.
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Brest and the slave trade
Pierrick POURCHASSE and Philippe HRODEJ
Philippe HRODEJ est Lecturer at the University of South Brittany in Lorient.
Pierrick POURCHASSE is an associate professor of history and lecturer in modern history at the University of Western Brittany in Brest.
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Projects and failures of the French East India Company in the slave trade in the 18th century
Professor at the University of Angers and member of the de Marine Academy.
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Lorient, trading port of the Compagnie des Indes
Brigitte NICOLAS
Chief curator of heritage, curator of the museum of the Compagnie des Indes in Lorient. Previously Director of Culture
and curator of antiques and works of art from Morbihan.
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Vannes and the slave trade in the 18th century
Patrick ANDRE
History teacher in a high school in Vannes, now retired. Through his work he showed the realities of trafficking in the 18th century slavery slave trader from Vannes, modest port of the Gulf of Morbihan. This anecdotal traffic followed in the wake of its two neighbours, Nantes and Lorient.
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La Rochelle, second French slave port
Jean-Michel DEVEAU
Vice-president of the "Slave Route" committee at Unesco. Honorary professor at the University of Nice. Historian of the history of slave trade, slavery and colonization. For several years, he has specialized in the history of Africa in the 17th and 18th centuries.
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The "arms" of the slave trade - The example of the Seudre seafarers at the end of the 18th century
Thierry Sauzeau
Lecturer in Modern History at the University of Poitiers since 2004, he is a member of the Study Group and of Recherches d'Histoire du Centre-Ouest (GERHICO) and the Institut d'Etudes Acadiennes et Québécoises (IEAQ). His doctoral thesis was defended in 2002 under the supervision of Professor Jacques Peret at the University of Poitiers.
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Bordeaux and the slave trade
Professor of Modern History at the University of Sophia-Antipolis in Nice
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Marseille, slave port in the 18th century
Gilbert BUTI
Professor of Modern History at the University of Provence (Aix-Marseille 1, center of Aix-en-Provence) and teacher-researcher at UMR-Telemme (MMSH, Aix-en-Provence)._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_History doctoral thesis.
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“Friend Gimbert” Portrait of a slave captain from Saint-Tropez at the time of the illegal slave trade
PhD student at the University of Provence, Aix Marseille.
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The Swiss and the slave trade - State of play and perspective
Doctor in Contemporary History from the University of Basel. Assistant in the Department of Economic History at the University of Geneva. Collaborator of the Bergier Commission responsible for shedding light on the role of Switzerland during the Second World War.
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The ports of Bristol and Liverpool and the Atlantic slave trade
Olivette OTELE
Doctor in Anglophone Studies at the University of the Sorbonne. Lecturer, Paris XIII, Institut Catholique Paris, in History colonial and British imperial._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Member of the Black and Minority Ethnic Project, Charter Housing Association in Wales.
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Badagri, a trading post on the Slave Coast
Lecturer in Arts and Civilizations in Sub-Saharan Africa at the École du Louvre. She carried out postgraduate research at the École du Louvre_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_on the Afro-Brazilian architectural heritage on the Slave Coast. His research themes are based on African architecture as an additional informant on the history of Africa, particularly, of the Yoruba kingdoms, from the origins to colonization and of its relations with neighboring States.
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What a psychoanalyst can say about research on the Atlantic slave trade
Psychoanalyst and anthropologist, Lecturer, University of Paris 10. Author of De l'Adolescence errante. Essay on the non-places of our Modernities, Pleins Feux, Nantes, 2007. Directeur de publication de Psychologie Clinique.
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To think, to write, to be a man, a negro today
Guadeloupéen, Psychologue clinicien, Psychanalyste, Psychologue interculturel, Enseignant de Lettres modernes,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Facilitator of reading and writing workshops for all schoolchildren, for students, for those also engaged in work, au daily.
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