The association Les Anneaux de la Mémoire offers various educational sets and digital resources on the slave trade and slavery available for download or purchase.
For the youngest, from 6 years old :

From the Atlantic Ocean to the rainforest through the savannah, let children discover the natural diversity of the country and introduce questions of memory, environmental protection or traditions through adapted educational tools.

Between coloring, association game and guessing game ; appropriate shapes and colors in a playful way with one of the important elements of Cameroonian culture: the elephant mask.
Cameroonian elephant mask
Flag game
Rediscover the symbols and colors of Senegal and Cameroon through a cutting, pasting and coloring game.


Learn about Senegal through its history, its society and its natural resources and introduce questions about borders, environmental protection and traditions through an adapted educational map.
For the older ones, from 12 years old:
From Nantes to the West Indies, on the routes of enslaved peoples
With the introduction in school programs of the prescriptions resulting from the "Taubira" law (May 21, 2001), on the teaching of slavery and the transatlantic trade and colonial slavery, the association Les Anneaux de la Mémoire offers you these pedagogical sets and resources to discover the history of the transatlantic trade in a game-oriented way. With tangible examples, archives, maps and videos, the pedagogical content offers you the opportunity to work with your group in a school setting or not.
This booklet can be used in class, from cycle 3 (CM1-CM2) to high school, as well as individually, by the general public. We have organized these tools so that the cards and the DVD Rom can be used alone or in association with each other.
Each of the 4 sheets is organized in 4 pages, each of which has a unit. The information presented on each page should allow the student to formulate answers to the question raised or suggested by the title of the page. A lexicon sheet helps to decode the vocabulary used.
The teacher's sheets are provided and allow you to go deeper and discover other resources.
If you wish to work on this subject in class or in a group, we will be happy to assist you.
Available in The Shop
The paper version contains a CD-Rom but these resources will be sent to you by email as many PCs no longer have a drive. A link will be sent to you at the end of your purchase.
Thank you !
deux vidéos disponibles en accompagnement de votre travail
Histoire de la traversée du navire La Bonne-Mère, 15min
A partir de 12 ans
Ce film d'animation créé en 2012 a été réalisé à partir du livre de traite du capitaine du navire La Bonne Mère parti de Nantes.
Infographie, la traite transatlantique, 3min
A partir de 12 ans
Cette infographie animée a été réalisée pour l'exposition Mémoires Libérées, 2017.