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"MANIFEST: New artistic perspectives on the memories of the transatlantic slave trade"


The MANIFEST project is based on two observations: the importance of the work of collective memory and the conviction that art plays a major role and serves as a mediator between individual memory and collective memory. "MANIFEST: New artistic perspectives on the memories of the transatlantic slave trade" aims to contribute to a better understanding of the history and memories, little known or unknown, of the role of Europe in the slave trade, by highlighting the socio-cultural links and impacts in contemporary Europe. Support for contemporary cross-border creation should allow for better visibility, better understanding and renewal in the representation of this history. It is indeed a question of highlighting the involvement of the whole of the European continent and of resurrecting its heritage, tangible or intangible, through a digital platform and contemporary artistic creation.

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This project is first of all a project with an artistic dimension which will select between 24 and 36 artists and will include two residencies (Budapest and Lisbon), workshops (Copenhagen) and a final event. (Nantes). In parallel with these artistic creations centered around digital technology and new technologies, a historical and parochial database will be created on the history of the Atlantic slave trade and its legacies in Europe. The alliance of the scientific and the artistic allows a double resonance and makes it possible to rely on a scientific base.

The project is led by five partners from five European Union countries:

KHORA,  Denmark . A company involved in digital production around virtual reality and augmented reality.

CUMEDIAE,  Belgium . An association committed to the development of cultural projects, media education and creative industries.

GERADOR,  Portugal . An association that works on three pillars: access to culture, education and journalism. It offers many events around these themes.

PRO-PROGRESSIONE, Hungary . An artistic center whose objective is to create links on the various cultural and artistic fields at the international level.

THE RINGS OF MEMORY, France . An association that works on the history of the Atlantic slave trade and its legacies through cultural and artistic projects at local and international level.

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Within the framework of this project, Les Anneaux de la Mémoire is working on a database which must give an account of the history and legacies of the transatlantic slave trade throughout Europe. Without being exhaustive, it must reflect the diversity of sources, heritages and memories and enhance the transversality of content. 

Retrouvez les contenus du centre de ressources MANIFEST ici


Retrouvez plus d'infos sur les artistes et leur travail ici 

 artistic residences 

Residency in Budapest - July 2023, 10 days

The residency in Budapest will make it possible to network artists, present historical supports, heritage and discuss the history of the transatlantic slave trade. It is also an opportunity to introduce possible digital devices, immersive or not, and to consult the teams on their needs. The residency will also include workshops and meetings.

Residency in Lisbon - October 2023, 10 days

The residency in Lisbon will include visits to heritage sites, training in artivism (combination of art and activism, here using art to address postcolonial dialogues), workshops around storytelling strategies (how stories contribute- personal and political transformation, democracy and social justice? participants discover how to structure a narrative to best accomplish their communication objectives, and make use of digitalization technologies), a first digitization of the works and an exit of public residence in order to exchange.

Workshops in Copenhagen, November or December 2023, 3 days

After the artistic residency in Lisbon, artists who opt for the production of AR/VR artworks (up to six artist collectives), will be invited, separately, to participate in three 2-day workshops in Copenhagen. Artists will be helped to transform their proposals and ideas into augmented or virtual reality experiences.

Ateliers à Copenhague, Septembre 2023, 3 jours

Après la résidence artistique à Lisbonne, les artistes qui optent pour la production d’œuvres d’art AR/VR (jusqu’à six collectifs d’artistes), seront invités, séparément, à participer à trois ateliers de 2 jours à Copenhague. Les artistes seront aidés à transformer leurs propositions et leurs idées en expériences de réalité augmentée ou virtuelle.

Résidence à Lisbonne - Octobre 2023, 10 jours

La résidence à Lisbonne comprendra des visites des sites patrimoniaux, une formation à l’artivisme (combinaison entre art et activisme, ici utilisation de l’art pour aborder des dialogues postcoloniaux), des ateliers autour des stratégies de narration (comment les histoires contribuent-elles à la transformation personnelle et politique, à la démocratie et à la justice sociale ? les participants découvrent comment structurer une narration pour accomplir au mieux leurs objectifs de communication, et faire usage des technologies de digitalisation), une première numérisation des œuvres et une sortie de résidence publique afin d’échanger.

 final event in nantes  

A final event will take place in Nantes in September-October 2024

The final event consists of two parts:

- The exhibition of works   to the public

- Cultural programming and meetings

For 3 days during the inauguration of the exhibition, all the partners, the artists, the selection committee and the advisory committee will be invited to Nantes. Meetings, workshops will be proposed in order to present the results of the project and to open up new perspectives for collaboration. A public presentation of the interactive platform will be organized by videoconference and face-to-face. Round tables around the memory of the slave trade and the role of art in the memory process will be proposed. This highlight may also include shows, visits to the city, the museum and the Memorial to the Abolition of the Slave Trade and Slavery.

SUIVEZ LES Actualités de manifest

Retrouvez toute l'actualité du projet MANIFEST sur le site web :

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Podcast « Art, Histoire & Numérique », réalisé par Pop Média'

Retour sur la table ronde du 20 septembre 2023 organisée à l’occasion de la 10ème édition de la Nantes Digital Week à la Maison de l'Europe - Europe Direct - Europa Nantes animée par Pop' Média. En présence de Marie Arlais, du collectif nantais Etrange Miroir, Patricia Beauchamp Afade Pro, consultante indépendante, muséographe, coordinatrice du volet scientifique du projet européen Manifest EU, Yann Lignereux, professeur d’Histoire à l’université de Nantes et membre du conseil scientifique du centre de recherche du château de Versailles et des artistes du projet Manifest EU ; Magalie Mobetie, artiste multimédia et du collectif d'artistes On A Slamé Sur La Lune avec Albert Morisseau Leroy, Fred Ebami et Calvin Yug.

Podcast « L'Europe vue d'ici », réalisé par Euradio

« L'Europe vue d'ici » épisode « Manifest EU, l'héritage colonial de l'esclavage raconté par les artistes européen·nes » avec la participation d'Albert Morisseau Leroy, poète, slammeur, co-fondateur du collectif « On a slamé sur la Lune », Marjorie Kouassi, chargée de valorisation aux Anneaux de la mémoire et Patricia Beauchamp Afadé, coordinatrice du projet Manifest aux Anneaux de la mémoire.

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